Sarah was a distant, distant relative. If I remember correctly, her brother was my father's brother-in-law. My father's sister died far too early, so the "blood" connection was broken when I was very young. And yet ...
Sarah sent everyone in the family birthday cards. She never, never forgot a birthday. Friends might remember or might not. Aunts and uncles sent a card, but not always on time. Sarah, on the other hand, was clockwork.
To her, those cards may have been a little thing. To me, they're a treasured memory.
Sarah made me feel special.
One of my favorite people celebrated her birthday this past Tuesday. But you know what? I'm a really busy gal. Who has time to remember birthdays? Who has time to let people know you love them?
Faye's death reminded me of Sarah's life. So I'm sending a birthday message to Lucinda today -- and I'll send it on time next year.
Little things make a difference. And today is the best day to let people know you love them.