It may be warm where you are. It is not warm in Kansas City. That's a problem for me. After a few days of freezing weather, I can feel my creativity freeze up. Since it's cold a lot here in the Midwest, I've developed quick ways to jumpstart my creative batteries. Who knows? They might work for you too!
- Watch a silly/funny movie. Something that makes you laugh. I like The Producers, with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder. Just looking at Zero Mostel makes me laugh. I met him once. What a hoot.
- Admire someone else's creativity. For example, look at the cool stuff in the Handmade Olympics at the Rikrack Studio. While you're there, vote for the Sew Inspired quilt in category 2. (Yes! Vicki made the Handmade Olympics!)
- Eat an orange. It will remind you of summer, which reminds you that winter will end. I'm currently in love with clementines. They're oranges my size. (You. Stop laughing. It's not nice to mock short people.)
- Write down the names of your elementary school teachers. (This requires more effort for those of us over 25. I am a tad over 25.)
- Draw a snarky Valentine. Something rude. Play off the old "letters are written, never meaning to send" concept. Draw the Valentine you'd like to send ... but won't. We'll never tell.
- And here's a bonus idea: Remember that you don't have to be creative in a vacuum. We have an amazing team here! Speaking of which ... Happy Birthday, Jody!
Thank you, Jannie!!
thanks for linking to me Jan!
Really entertaining, thank you for making me smile. Gosh, I'm drawing a blank on my 2nd grade teacher's name, memory loss is already kicking in & I haven't even hit 30, yikes!
I did a series on my blog about kicking the winter creative blues http://www.creativevoyage.co.uk/node/419
I find it really hard to get through the winter !
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