Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Good Stuff: Super Socks

Over the years, I have shied away from product endorsements on the blog ... oh, I've done a few, but ... that's not really what we're here for, is it?

HOWEVER, as we continue our countdown to Thanksgiving and consider little things that make us happy, socks have to be on my list. And not just any socks. These fleece-lined socks from Columbia are THE BEST SOCKS ON THE PLANET.

Soft, warm, cozy.
I could almost like winter ... 
I'm one of those people who rarely wears shoes in the house, so I wear these socks from the moment it turns a little cold until it's warm enough to go barefoot again. Eva, THE BEST SISTER ON THE PLANET, got me my first pair a few years ago.

And there's another little thing to be grateful for*! Presents -- not necessarily hugely expensive -- that are exactly what you want when you didn't even know you wanted them.

Life is good. Sock it to the world, peeps.

*Yes. I ended a sentence with a preposition. Good catch. Thank you for caring.


CJ Kennedy said...

I've been on a colorful sock kick lately. Most of the socks are of famous paintings. Van Gogh's Starry Night, Birth of Venus, the Scream. I even bought a couple just for fun. Gumby and Pokey, and The Little Prince. I bought them at Joy of Socks and The Sock Drawer. They are not warm weather socks. So to help cold feet, I have a pair of fleece-lined Crocs. Fugly as my girlies call them, but they are so comfy and make me happy.

Jan said...

I love colorful socks, and so do my daughters! I have a few favorites that I ordered from Book Riot -- one pair looks like a library check-out card. And fugly is good if it makes you comfy and happy!!!