Friday, January 20, 2017

The World Doesn't End Today

I know, I know, I know. Many of us are bereft to see these eight years end -- not because a Republican is taking office; there are many wonderful Republicans. But, as the majority of Americans agree, the man who's taking office isn't on that list.

(Fascinating how I hate to mention his name. Words have power and his name alone makes me cringe.)

Since he-who-must-not-be-named has said he doesn't really start work until Monday, I'm going to take a leap of faith and say the world won't end today. I'm praying it won't end during the next four years. And, with that in mind, here are three ways to help us move forward:

Keep the hope alive. The Obamas are leaving the White House, not leaving America. Sign up here for updates on post-presidential activities and the Obama Foundation.

Speak up. Show up. Call your senators and representatives. Attend protests and rallies. Now is the time to speak up. My mom says everything happens for the best, and I truly believe the best thing about this administration will be the unstoppable force of positive power we unleash together.

Take care of you. I've experienced this, and I know others have too: The combination of personal stress and political insanity becomes overwhelming. There are times when you need to turn off the tweets and step away from the news. You can't run on political anger non-stop for the next four years. You'll run out of steam. Breathe in, breathe out. Enjoy the goodness all around us -- it's still there, my friends. Then, come back refreshed, and ready to continue the battle.

We the People are here.


Lezlie said...

Thank you, Jan. I have felt rather alone in my hope and optimism. Choices, these, and not easy. But, I believe, necessary.

Anonymous said...

This is excellent, tactful and hopeful, Jan. Thank you for posting.

Deb said...

I like your comments and sentiments, which I'm trying to keep in mind. Sigh ... deep breath.

Karen Loggia said...

Love this. Thanks, Jan.