For example, exceptional photographers are like the best basketball players. They take lots of shots. Many miss the mark, but now and then -- Wow! Those Wow! shots get posted, purchased and prized. But it's all the other shots that make them possible.
Give yourself the freedom to fail. Laugh at the goofs:

Then, learn. Try again.
Practice may not make perfect.
But it sure can make a scarf.
Practice may not make perfect.
But it sure can make a scarf.

P.S. I spent more than an hour last night trying to write this post. I finally gave up. This morning, it took two minutes. Along with embracing failure, know when to quit. I'm still learning that lesson.
So true! I wish teachers taught this is school.
I think knowing when to fail is as critical as knowing how to succeed. I keep a file of "failed" songs, plays, ideas, etc. Often as not, when the time is right, they clamour for my attention and become successes.
I may have to do another post on the "failure" file ...
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