Thursday, May 5, 2016

Creativity Tips: Advice for Old Writers

Maybe it's a sign that I've worked alone for too long, but I love social media. Why? Well, last week, I posted something on Facebook about Tell a Story Day. To my delight, a few friends then proceeded to write a story in the comments, each one adding on to the story line. Such fun!

Then, yesterday, I posted a link on Twitter to a terrific article in The New Yorker by Andrew Solomon re: Advice for Young Writers. My friend Frank promptly responded with: No advice for old writers? 

And we were off and running. Bud joined the party, and we began tweeting advice for old writers. Here's the mid-afternoon, still-in-progress list -- and we'd love for you to add to it! (No matter what your age.)

Advice for Old Writers from Three Old Writers
1. Spend time with young writers.
2. Read.
3. Take advantage of all those losses. Write about people you wouldn't write about while they were living.
4. Find an editor you trust.
5. Stop procrastinating. If you have something to say, say it. Now.
6. Turn off your filters. Then refer back to number 4.
7. Don't rely on smell chek.

And your advice would be????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Practice your cursive so somebody doesn't forget how to do it! (Sorry, that was the first thing that came to my mind!)