Creativity tips, exercises, and the occasional reminder that you're a freakin' creative genius. Own it! Jan Sokoloff Harness, author of "Look Up: Your Unexpected Guide to Good"
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Creative Inspiration: Christmas 1963
Meanwhile, a bit of inspiration from poet Joseph Enzweiler:
"Christmas 1963" by Joseph Enzweiler
From The Man Who Ordered Perch. © Iris Press, 2004.
Because we wanted much that year
and had little. Because the winter phone
for days stayed silent that would call
our father back to work, and he
kept silent too with our mother,
fearfully proud before us.
Because I was young that morning
in gray light untouched on the rug
and our gifts were so few, propped
along the furniture, for a second
my heart fell, then saw how large
they made the spaces between them
to take the place of less. Because
the curtained sun rose brightly
on our discarded paper and the things
themselves, these forty years,
have grown too small to see, the emptiness
measured out remains the gift,
fills the whole room now, that whole year
out across the snowy lawn. Because
a drop of shame burned quietly
in the province of love. Because
we had little that year
and were given much.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Creativity Tips: The Rockettes, Take 2
When we arrived at the arena, the ticket taker told us we needed to go to another line and "be reassigned." Mary and I both wondered what was wrong.
There was no need for our angst. The show simply hadn't sold out, and Sprint Center officials had the good sense to move people closer to the stage. Our seats were upgraded, with smiles.
Lesson 1: Creative people often take, "We need to make a change" as a bad thing. Change can be wonderful -- moving you closer to where you want to be.
As the show was ending, one of the Rockettes fell in the final kick line. I know, because Mary -- who's a high school drill team dancer -- noticed. I was watching the show, but looking somewhere else.
Lesson 2: When you fall, remember: Most of us are looking somewhere else. Follow the Rockette's lead -- don't pull anyone else down with you, get back up, and keep on kicking!
P.S. Falling can be fun.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Creativity Tips from the Rockettes
Mary and I went to see the Rockettes on Saturday, and the show was wonderful. And, as an added bonus ... the performance gave me ideas for two posts. We'll start today with Lessons from the Rockettes:
1. It's not how high you kick. What really sparkles is the ability to all kick together.
2. Support each other, but don't lean on anyone too much.
3. Forget mom's advice. Make a spectacle of yourself. How else are you going to be spectacular?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday Fun: Doodling with Mr. Picasso Head
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Creativity Tips: Here's My Recommendation
Composing the letter reminds you of the person's good traits. It's a matter of creative focus: Look for what's wrong, and you'll find it. Look for the good, and it's there too.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Creativity Tips: Try a New Tool
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Write Our Holiday Card

Today, it's your turn to turn that trend around. Write a holiday card with a message -- funny, sarcastic, happy, sardonic, reverent, whatever you want. Your client? Creative Instigation -- and you've got this great photo from Leslie* on the cover.
Now, you tell me: What's on the inside?
*After you write the card, take a look at Leslie's photostream on flickr.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Creativity Tips: Unwrap Your Ideas

OK, that's harsh. I recycled before recycling was cool. But gifts need to be wrapped. And I'm not going to budge on this one.
That said, Chris does have the right idea. So, let's go with it: What are some creative, environmentally friendly wrapping ideas for the holiday season? Go beyond my basics -- wrapping with the comics, using grocery bags, etc. Give us some festive new concepts, and make Santa -- and Chris -- happy men.
(And after you come up with your own ideas, look here. No peeking.)
Friday, December 12, 2008
- You're brilliant, and that's a great way to stay instigated! (The rest of you can be equally brilliant -- just click on the "Subscribe to Creative Instigation by email" link.
- I'm not always brilliant, and hit some key that published a post I was writing for Dec. 24.
- When you see the post later this month, hopefully I'll have fixed the spacing in the poem ...
Friday Fun: Kid Around

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Creativity Tips: Always Admire Alliteration
No, not to me. Well, yes, listen to me. But, far more importantly, listen to the people around you. Here are two wonderful phrases I heard in the past week:
- Garlicky guacamole goodness -- from Rachael Ray. She's perky, but well-spoken.
- Lifelong lousy love life -- from a funny friend who shall remain anonymous.
And here's a quick creativity exercise: Using one of those two phrases, write for 120 seconds. You got it: 2 minutes. Don't tell me you don't have time. And don't self-censor. Just write!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Laugh with Non Sequitur

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Creativity Tips: Say It Once

Some 30 years ago, before she became my mother-in-law, Betty Harness thought I was going to do something wrong. Flat-out wrong. And she wasn't going to let that silently go by.
Here's what she did -- and we can all use this approach:
- She made sure we were alone for the conversation.
- She assured me it wasn't me she disapproved of -- it was my decision she didn't like.
- She told me it was important that I understood how she felt, and that she'd never mention it again.
- She never mentioned it again.
Betty Harness would have been 95 today. As the saying goes, "In love we are remembered, and in memories we live."
Monday, December 8, 2008
Creativity Tips: You Own the Day
Here's the deal: Doesn't matter. That was last week. This is a new week. Start off with a grin, and a happy Monday attitude. (No, that's not a contradiction in terms.)
And, if it helps any, start off with the assurance that I have a serious feeling that this is going to be an excellent week!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday Fun: Play with Ted

But, now and then, it's good to sit back, relax and learn. This weekend, check out the TED video on creativity with Tim Brown, the CEO of Ideo. (The CEO of Ideo. Now, there's a title with a ring to it.)
If you're not in the mood for the video, use the link as a jumping off point, and explore TED. Lots of fascinating clips. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Creative Inspiration: Success
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Creativity Tips: The Buck Starts Here

Isn't that a wonderful idea? Be ready to give. Whether it's a dollar to charity, a kind word to a co-worker, or a smile to a stranger.
You may give more than you realize.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Creativity Tips: Stick with the Classics

I was reminded of that story when the Strong National Museum of Play® recently inducted the stick into the National Toy Hall of Fame®.
"It's very open-ended, all-natural, the perfect price -- there aren't any rules or instructions for its use," said Christopher Bensch, the museum's curator of collections. "It can be a Wild West horse, a medieval knight's sword, a boat on a stream or a slingshot with a rubber band."
Imagine that: No rules. No instructions. Now there's a creative approach worth trying -- at work and at home. No rules. No instructions. Just go!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Creativity Tips: It's Never Too Late to Listen
But that's no reason for you to miss out on this great holiday idea. As StoryCorps suggests:
This holiday season, ask the people around you about their lives — it could be your grandmother, a teacher, or someone from the neighborhood. By listening to their stories, you will be telling them that they matter and they won’t ever be forgotten. It may be the most meaningful time you spend this year.
Not a natural interviewer? No problem. StoryCorps has a Do-It-Yourself Guide to download. And if you're just looking to break the ice at a holiday party, check out this list of questions! (For example, "How would you describe a perfect day when you were young?")
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm Not Thankful For ....
Let's not.
Instead, take out a clean sheet of paper, and list five things you're not grateful for ... things you're not thankful for ... rotten stuff. For example, the current state of my retirement account goes on my list.
Got it? Good. Now, rank those five things, using this measuring stick: Is it brain surgery? Is it life and death?
Hmmm. No? Not a one of your five things is a life-and-death issue? Not even that temporarily disappointing 401(k)? Well then ...
Enjoy the holiday weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Creativity Tips: Learn from Your Mistakes

They called again last week. Guess what? I haven't gotten any younger. And my opinions are still of absolutely no interest to Victoria, although she will take my money. And my daughters' money. Which, (gasp!) is my money.
So, here's the secret: There's absolutely nothing wrong with making a mistake. Once. That's how we learn. Making the same mistake twice? That's something else.
When you make a mistake, in a creative project or anything else, don't beat yourself up for it. Tell yourself to stop the negative thoughts. Literally. Stop. Then, quickly analyze what went wrong and why. And make yourself proud -- do better next time.
P.S. It's a Van Gogh painting. An Old Woman of Aries. He apparently saw some value in old women.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Creativity Tips: Be Strategic
I added it because Google Analytics told me that the blog gets a number of hits from people who Google "another word for (something)." The widget fits the CI creative approach, while also being a strategic magnet for new readers.
Which brings us to an interesting exercise/query, based on one person's Google: What's another word for stay?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Fun: Digital Conversion
(I can't even figure out the multiple remotes we have in the house.)
Thanks to Kat for the link!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Site Seeing: Everyone Has a Story to Tell

Check out this fascinating site, Write In My Journal, where David has figured out a very cool way to get those stories, and share them.
P.S. Thanks to Leslie for the link!
P.P.S. You gotta love a man who loves Moleskine notebooks. The only way to write ...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Thank a Friend
And, in honor of Barb, here's your exercise for today -- take one minute, and send an email to an old friend* and say thanks for something they did, maybe years ago, that meant a lot to you.
*Gosh, Barb. I didn't mean old old. But I do understand. They say the sense of humor is the first thing to go ... (And thank you for always making me feel appreciated, while gently prompting me to do better!)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Define Doldrums
P.S. For those of you not in the Midwest: Kansas City in November may be the definition of "doldrums."
Monday, November 17, 2008
Creativity Tips: Get Energized

For me, leading the session was like shaking hands with the Energizer Bunny. (In a good way.) Maybe because it's a break from writing. Maybe because it's a throwback to my days in radio. Maybe it's the opportunity to immediately see that my work makes a difference.
Maybe my why doesn't matter. What matters is finding what energizes you. Need a jump start to answer the question? No problem. Let Mike Brown, who helps me daily, help you determine your distinctive talents.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday Fun: Dr. Seuss
I love Dr. Seuss. So, it's no surprise that Seussville amuses me no end. Go to the Playground and try the Story Maker. Here's to a happy weekend!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Creativity Tips: Are You Happy of Me?
How can you not be happy of someone smart enough to come up with that line?
Another common Mary phrase was, "I did that lasterday." Lasterday could be yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that. It covered a fair amount of territory, but I always knew exactly what she meant. She'd been there and done that. Lasterday.
Today's tip? Don't setttle for the ordinary. Don't accept, "It is what it is." Make it what it should be. Do that, and I'll be happy of you. Far more importantly, you'll be happy of you. Lasterday, today and tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Creativity Tips: Celebrate!
And you know what I like best about this blog? You. I love your comments. I love the idea that people who don't have to read what I write are reading what I write. I love knowing (from your feedback) that some of what you've read here -- posts and comments -- have made a day or two better for you.
As my special "thank you" to all of you, I'd be delighted to send you a copy of my very first e-book, because I finished it. Yep, I finished it. That alone shows the power of the blog.
Just send an email to and I'll send you Creative Chai, with much gratitude and appreciation.
Here's to Year Two! And keep those comments coming!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Creativity Tips: Don't Be Too Creative

Let me explain: I'm planning the annual Thanksgiving feast. Our family tradition has morphed a bit, with the passing of parents, and the big meal is now at our house.
One thing hasn't changed: the basic menu. I make the same turkey, stuffing, dressing, sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. Mashed potatoes and gravy for Amber.
I make hot rolls from scratch, using Lynn B.'s recipe. The butter for those rolls has to be Land O'Lakes. Unsalted. Because that's what my grandmother used.
I open a can of that jellied cranberry sauce that no one will eat, because we always have that jellied cranberry sauce that no one will eat. I need black olives for Eva. Whether she's here for the meal or not, she's always part of it.
Mary bakes chocolate chip cookies for Kate and Cary and Sam. And extras, for them to take home.
As we prepare for the holidays, remember: There are traditions worth respecting. When you find one, at home or at work, enjoy it. And if you want to add a creative touch, reduce your stress level. Think small. Come up with new toppings for that pumpkin pie. Add a Food Network side dish to the menu. Forget the fancy linens, and let the kids decorate a sheet of butcher paper -- remember those handprint turkey drawings?
And this year, let the joy of the holidays begin with anticipation.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Creative Query: What Aren't You Reading?
Problem is, I can't seem to get past the first few chapters in either of those books. I want to read them. I plan to read them. I can't read them.
Bringing us to my creative query for you today: What's the best book you haven't been able to read?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday Fun: A Kinder, Gentler Graffiti

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Creativity Tips: Little Things Amuse ...
I recently changed my ring tone. The first day, I missed calls. I missed calls all day long.** I heard the sound, but it didn't register. I historically have the ringer turned off 90 percent of the time. Yet, my mind is still conditioned to the old, familiar sound. I've become Pavlov's dog.
That ain't good. Don't walk around with your brain on automatic. Think again. Change the ring tone.
*This is when my mother would say, Little things amuse little minds.
** No. It didn't matter. At all.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Now, It's Time to Work Together

-- President Elect Barack Obama
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Creative Query: What Will You Read In Line?
We have some wonderful CI team members who aren't American citizens. And, we have some who aren't old enough to vote. For the rest of us, today's the chance to be part of national Creative Instigation. Get out there, and instigate change!
Before you go, cast a vote here for what you'll take to read in those long lines. I'm waffling between a new novel (well, it's new for me: I just bought John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany) or a copy of Vanity Fair, with those lovely long articles that I never quite get around to reading ...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Monday Morning Surprise
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Site Seeing: Holley Portraits
Holley Portraits make it clear: No one leaves a fingerprint like you.
Thanks to Leslie for the link to Holley Portraits. And let me know if you make your own fingerprint portrait!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Head Start on a Haiku
Remember the rules: Five syllables in the first line. Seven syllables in the second line. Five syllables in the third line.
And, there's a twist this time. Let's all incorporate the phrase: Love is letting go.
(The wonderful thing about creativity? None of us will do the same thing with that same line.)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Creativity Tips: Lessons from Fourth Grade

I can't think of any better advice.
*Pollyanna lives. And don't cold, wet Octobers make you want to watch Pollyanna? Possibly with a cold, wet beverage ... but still.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Creativity Tips: Make It Personal
Last week, MoveOn came out with a classic example of using technology to personalize a message. In this case -- Jan, get out there and vote! Take a look.
P.S. Thanks to Amber and Leslie for the link!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Thursday's Child
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Creativity Tips: Hang Up and Walk
It's ridiculous. We're so multi-task oriented, we're ruining one of the nicest events of the day. A leisurely stroll. An opportunity for creative rejuvenation. A chance to enjoy the sounds of kids swinging on the playground, leaves skittering on the sidewalk, dogs barking in the distance.
I am now taking a vow of silence. While walking. Alone. I am not that important, and my call is not that important. I can take 30 minutes to just walk. If you need me, leave a message. If I need you, I'll call when I get home.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Creativity Tips: Say No in November
Beginning now, I stop automatically saying, "Yes," to every job, every invite, and every volunteer request. I weigh my options, and choose carefully.
Writing the 50,000-word novel suggested in yesterday's post does not fall into the carefully chosen options. It might for you.
Or, if you're on overload now, join me! Use the campaign as a good excuse: No, I can't possibly chair that committe (attend that party, buy that gift, or work on your tedious project). I'm very, very busy with the Say No in November campaign.
It could catch on. Hmmm. SNIN isn't much of an acronym. Anyone got a better idea?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Creativity Exercise: NaNoWriMo
It stands for National Novel Writing Month. Participants are challenged to complete a 50,000-word novel during the month of November. You can gear up for it now. In Kansas City, The Writers Place will host a kick-off event Sunday, Oct. 26, from 6 - 10 p.m.
For CI team members outside KC, check out the NaNoWriMo site. I do like the approach. Here's a quote from the site:
Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output. It's all about quantity, not quality. The kamikaze approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly.
Make no mistake: You will be writing a lot of crap. And that's a good thing. By forcing yourself to write so intensely, you are giving yourself permission to make mistakes. To forgo the endless tweaking and editing and just create. To build without tearing down.
I won't be participating. And I'll explain why. Tomorrow.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday Fun: Missionaries and Cannibals
Playing Missionaries and Cannibals reminds me of that. I seem to make the same moves, over and over again, as the cannibals feast. I hope you have better luck!
(If I'm right-brained, this must be a left-brained game.)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Creativity Exercise: What Is She Saying?
So, in honor of the political season here in America, list five things people could be saying with a wink.
Share, if you want. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Creativity Tips: Turn Things Around

I like it. And Eva had the great idea of using it as a post. You thank, Eva!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Site Seeing: Grammar Girl™
Monday, October 13, 2008
Shit Happens
Fortunately, as I mulled over posting or pouting, my good buddy, The Big Rabbit, came to my rescue. In addition to pointing out that home ownership is "greatly over-rated," he pointed me toward a site that appeals to me as an artist, a knitter and a nut.
Friends are good.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday Fun: Double Fun!
But first: this Sarah Palin video for you.
And, because there's more to life than poking fun at politicians, here's a Bart Simpson game -- with nothing political on the menu. And nothing at all on Bart.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Creative Inspiration: Cherish Your Doubts
Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the handmaiden of truth. Doubt is the key to the door of knowledge; it is the servant of discovery. A belief which may not be questioned binds us to error, for there is incompleteness and imperfection in every belief.
Doubt is the touchstone of truth; it is an acid which eats away the false.
Let none fear for the truth, that doubt may consume it; for doubt is a testing of belief.
For truth, if it be truth, arises from each testing stronger, more secure. Those who would silence doubt are filled with fear; the house of their spirit is built on shifting sands.
But they that fear not doubt, and know its use, are founded on a rock.
They shall walk in the light of growing knowledge; the work of their hands shall endure.
Therefore, let us not fear doubt, but let us rejoice in its help: It is to the wise as a staff to the blind; doubt is the handmaiden of truth.
*This reading is also used by other denominations.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Get Writer's Block
So, in keeping with that, here's a paraphrased example of one of the 786 ideas in the book: As a student, Ethan Canin (who has taught at Iowa), was captivated by the stories of John Cheever. To discover what it would be like to write them, Canin literally typed them out.
It's a brilliant idea -- especially for those of us who process through our fingers (as many of you know, I can't think without a pen in my hand or my fingers on a keyboard).
As Rekulak says, "... this is an opportunity to sift an author's words through your own hands, to feel a fraction of what Flannery O'Connor or Raymond Chandler might have felt as they completed the final typewritten drafts of their masterpieces."
Exercise 1: Give it a try! Exercise 2? Get The Writer's Block.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Creativity Tips: Question Assumptions

Lynn assumes I'm smart. Now, I do have my areas of expertise. But Lynn assumes I'm just all-around smart.
Well, she did. Then, I took her on a "two-hour" drive to Canyon de Chelly from Sedona. Don't pull out the map. I'll confess. It's closer to a six-hour drive. One way.
Yessirree bob. I can't read maps. Never could. Don't know why I tried.
Make our adventure your advantage: Question your assumptions. Especially if they're assumptions about people you love.
And never ask me to navigate you out of anything but a bad paragraph.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Creativity Tips: I'm baaaaaaaaaack

Thank you for all the posts last week! You're brilliant, and generous, and I appreciate the help more than you know. (My sister sends her thanks too -- she loved the sites you suggested.)
Here's what I saw when we landed in Phoenix. So I was laughing right from the start.
P.S. to Anonymous: You're right. I should go away more often! The analytics indicated an increase in readership. Hmmmmmmm.
P.P.S. The "How's My Flying?" decal is the perfect example of stealing something and making it better.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Creativity Tips: Practice What You Preach
And my buds came through.
Fabulous members of the Creative Instigation team will post comments on this blog entry throughout the week. They'll bring you creativity tips, rants, inspiration, insights, political jokes, sites to see, exercises, whatever.
It should be a creative kick in the pants for all of us. New perspectives, new approaches. And remember, you made the team. Now's the time to make your mark. Leave your own comments!
I can't wait to read what you write when I get back!
P.S. I got the idea from Leslie, who suggested I watch this. And, then followed it up with this. It's amazing what loveliness people -- even strangers -- can create together.
* Is it a coincidence that phones and prisons share this word? I think not.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Creative Inspiration: Windows is Shutting Down
After you read the poem, scroll down to the bottom. If the almanac's version of the quote is accurate, Nathan Hale wasn't regretting that he had only one life to give for his country. Words. Each one matters.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Creativity Tips: Let It Go

It's a good reminder for all of us. Even for the bald members of the Creative Instigation team.*
*You know who you are.
** The Internet is astonishing. I Googled the saying, and found 80 gazillion entries. And this magnet -- available at Lolly Lu, where they believe everyone should own a piece of art.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Creative Query: Vitamin P
so answer this one for me:
Monday, September 22, 2008
Creativity Tips: Will Write for Food

*That's a stolen phrase. I don't even like it. But I'm writing this late at night and I'm too tired to come up with something else. Leading us to the creativity tip for the day: Don't drink and blog.
P.S. No, I haven't been drinking. I'm just tired and babbling. And, while I'm babbling:
P.P.S. I just watched the Emmy awards. Skinny old women shouldn't wear sleeveless gowns. And Candice Bergen's fashion consultant should be shot. And Betty White rocks.
P. P.P.S. Yes, I'm done now.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday Fun: Sarah Palin
I'm voting for Tina Fey.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Creativity Tips: To Move Forward, Back Up

If you paint, drop the brush. Fingerpaint. Or, find a drawing program online. If you're dealing with numbers, step away from the calculator. Grab a pencil, and get to work. You can always check the results with the calculator later.
Back space to the future.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Creativity Tips: Get Off Track

I got off track at the centennial. I didn't attend many broadcasting sessions -- even though that was my "track" at school. Instead, I went to seminars on things like the African-American experience at the Journalism School, and finding and reporting on a life of meaning.
Here's a great sentence/idea from the "life of meaning" session, which was held on Sept. 11 -- and I hope you can appreciate the concept, regardless of your personal beliefs:
When faced with great tragedy, people often ask, "God, how could you let this happen?" Perhaps God is asking the same thing: "How could you let this happen?"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Site Seeing: Pictures of the Year International
And, while a picture is worth a thousand words, it's the photo and story together that had me in tears as I looked at Leia's Daddy.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Go Home Again
As I walked around the University of Missouri School of Journalism last week, I felt right at home. Again. As always. It's the same feeling I get on the rare occasions when I'm out in the wilderness, hiking. I'm home.
Where are you when you feel most like yourself? Where are you at home?
P.S. Speaking of digressions, I will get back to the creativity cards series, but I have a few MU posts for this week ... change is good.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday Fun: Presidential Paintball
As I gather with my fellow J-School alums, I'm guessing politics may be discussed. I'll be taking my best shots at candidates I don't like -- thought I'd give you the same chance. Enjoy!
P.S. No, smart stuff. I wasn't in the class of 1908. I'm old, but I'm not that old ...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Creativity Tips: See the Box

This creativity card reminds us of a real recipe for creative success: See the box. Don't do what you've always done. But don't go creatively nutso for no reason. Analyze the situation strategically, then decide where to think.
(This reminds me of drawing outside the lines. I had a fit when my firstborn, Kate, started drawing inside the lines in her coloring books. I was sure her creativity was gone forever. My wonderful friend Nancy, an artist, stopped the insanity by reminding me that we have to know how to draw inside the lines, so we can choose to draw outside.)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Creative Inspiration: How to Live
© Red Hen Press.
How to Live
"I don't know how to live."
–Sharon Olds
Eat lots of steak and salmon and Thai curry and mu shu
pork and fresh green beans and baked potatoes
and fresh strawberries with vanilla ice cream.
Kick-box three days a week. Stay strong and lean.
Go fly-fishing every chance you get, with friends
who'll teach you secrets of the stream. Play guitar
in a rock band. Read Dostoyevsky, Whitman, Kafka,
Shakespeare, Twain. Collect Uncle Scrooge comics.
See Peckinpah's Straw Dogs, and everything Monty Python made.
Love freely. Treat ex-partners as kindly
as you can. Wish them as well as you're able.
Snorkel with moray eels and yellow tangs. Watch
spinner dolphins earn their name as your panga slam-
bams over glittering seas. Try not to lie; it sours
the soul. But being a patsy sours it too. If you cause
a car wreck, and aren't hurt, but someone is, apologize
silently. Learn from your mistake. Walk gratefully
away. Let your insurance handle it. Never drive drunk.
Don't be a drunk, or any kind of "aholic." It's bad
English, and bad news. Don't berate yourself. If you lose
a game or prize you've earned, remember the winners
history forgets. Remember them if you do win. Enjoy
success. Have kids if you want and can afford them,
but don't make them your reason-to-be. Spare them that
misery. Take them to the beach. Mail order sea
monkeys once in your life. Give someone the full-on
ass-kicking he (or she) has earned. Keep a box turtle
in good heath for twenty years. If you get sick, don't thrive
on suffering. There's nothing noble about pain. Die
if you need to, the best way you can. (You define best.)
Go to church if it helps you. Grow tomatoes to put store-
bought in perspective. Listen to Elvis and Bach. Unless
you're tone deaf, own Perlman's "Meditation from Thais."
Don't look for hidden meanings in a cardinal's song.
Don't think TV characters talk to you; that's crazy.
Don't be too sane. Work hard. Loaf easily. Have good
friends, and be good to them. Be immoderate
in moderation. Spend little time anesthetized. Dive
the Great Barrier Reef. Don't touch the coral. Watch
for sea snakes. Smile for the camera. Don't say "Cheese."
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Creativity Tips: End Grouchy with Groucho

What do you mean, you don't have a pair of Groucho glasses? How is that even possible?
As we move through our creativity card series, the Groucho card is very important. It started out meaning: Take a new look -- at people and projects. But every time I pull out the glasses and have someone put them on, everyone laughs.
Everyone laughs. Now, there's a mood for creative instigation -- everyone engaged, everyone happy.
Buy the glasses.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday Fun: Truth in Advertising
Welcome to one aspect of my world. (Thanks, Barb, for the link and the laugh!)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Creativity Tips: Do Something New

I write. I bake. I don't often make sock monkeys. But, there were people I love who really, really needed a sock monkey. (You know who you are.) So, I found a pattern, and voila! Adorable sock monkeys to give away -- and one to keep.
When you get in a creative rut, try something totally different. Monkey around.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Site Seeing: Boom-De-Yada
Thanks to Greg for the idea!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Creativity Tips: Be Generous with Applause
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday Fun: Move Over, Mario
We'll be back to instigate more creativity on Tuesday -- here's to a long weekend!
P.S. Happy 15th Birthday to Mary, my baby chick!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Creativity Tips: Don't Be a Beak Performer

There’s one sure way to deliver peak performance: Just say “no” to beak performance.
Beak performance is a common and insidious ailment that kids on a farm understand and CEOs don’t. Here’s how it works. If you draw a line in the dirt, and you put a chicken’s beak to the line, the chicken will faithfully walk that line. Day in. Day out. He won’t lift his beak, he won’t look around, he won’t move off the line.
In business terms, the chicken accepts, “We’ve always done it that way.” In personal terms, the chicken believes, “There’s nothing I can do about that.” The longer you’re on a job, or with a person, the more likely you are to display the dreaded beak performance signs.
But here’s the good news: You’re not a chicken. So lift your head up and take a good look around. You’ll be amazed at what you see.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Site Seeing: Funny Politics
Not me. But, before we tire of politics all together, take a look at a Kansas candidate who's putting the fun back in fundraising.
Thanks to Steve for the link!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Creativity Tips: Walk the Talk

Why? Because actions speak louder than words. Mary knows we're proud of her creative abilities, because she can see our pride -- and her penguin -- every day.
So, consider this question from your Jewish mother: When you receive a creative gift from a colleague or a kid, what do your actions say?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Creativity Tips: Letting Go

I like Kate's style.
On Saturday, Kate moved out of the house and into her dorm at K-State. She starts classes today. So, my baby is on her own. And that brings us to the creativity tip for the day: Life is letting go. Make sure the people you love know you love them. Today.
(How does that apply to creativity? Look at the picture. There's nothing more creatively instigating than love.)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday Fun: Happy Neurons
I tried Split Words on a "difficult" level. I won't mention my score. You'll do better.
P.S. This is what it has come to. I will reveal my age. I won't reveal my game scores.
P.P. S. Thanks to Mo for the link. I think.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Creativity Tips: Work with the Best

I know this, because I made it. I can tell you where every flaw is -- from the dribbled glaze on the side you can't see, to the uneven width of the walls.
But you know what? Leslie Adams took this photo -- and she made my pot look beautiful.
And that brings us to the tip for the day: Work with the best, and you'll look better.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Find Your Mantra in a Magazine

You're right. I didn't find Breathe in. Breathe out. in a magazine. But the other lines were there -- just waiting for me, thanks to the brilliance of copywriters I'll never know.
For today's exercise, flip through a magazine and find copy that means something special to you. It could be a headline, or a pullout quote. Or, it could be a photo. Doesn't matter -- there's no chance of being wrong. Cut it out and post it. Give yourself a smiley face!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Creativity Tips: Sweat the Details

Monday, August 18, 2008
Creativity Tips: Ask for Help

Here's what you need to remember:
- Never be afraid to ask for help.
- Ask people you trust, whether they're "authorities" or not. That's why you have a creative team.
- Don't wait until it's an emergency and the creative sirens are blaring!
P.S. For those of you joining this series in progress -- we're discussing the meaning behind the creativity cards I handed out in the first of many Creative Instigation presentations.
P.P.S. Thanks to popular demand (stop laughing, I'm serious, I don't make this stuff up), I have a waiting list for our next presentation. Let me know if you want me to add your name!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday Fun: What's another word for ...
How'd I think of it? I didn't. I plugged in exhausted at
For the Creative Instigation team members looking for the weekly game or goofy video: Remember. I'm a writer. This is my idea of fun.
And for those of you looking for the meanings behind the creativity cards, that series runs Monday - Thursday. We take our Friday Fun very seriously at this blog.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Creativity Tips: The Queen of Hearts

Know what this creativity card means? Check it out.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Creativity Tips: Now You See It ...

Do you know what this one is? To me, it's completely obvious. It's the antique inkwell I got when I was at MU. (And that would make it an antique now, even if it weren't then.)
What? You didn't see an inkwell? Are you kidding?
Hmmm. Interesting. It seems that I see the inkwell, because I know it's there. Most people didn't know what it was, or they guessed -- a crystal or a doorknob.
Everything you see is filtered by everything you know. So, take a minute and look for an outside opinion. Don't assume that everyone else knows what you know, or sees what you see.
*A big THANK YOU to Leslie Adams, who sees the shots I never see. Leslie took all the photos and designed the cards.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Creativity Tips: Let Someone Else Lead

Panic set in. I spent almost a dozen years being the interviewer. Being on the other side of the desk felt very, very wrong.
Fortunately, once I got past the whole "I am not in charge" crisis, it was great. Jay is a true talent, and the show was flat-out fun.
This week, give it a try. Let someone else lead.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Creativity Tips: Take Care of Yourself
Are you taking care of yourself? Eating right? Exercising? Getting plenty of sleep? Giving yourself time off now and then, to simply be?
It's easier to be a creative genius when you feel great. And, if you need another reason, you'll have more to give to others, when you are healthy, whole and happy.
OK. Mom is done. Now, go eat nuts. According to The Culprit and the Cure, people who eat nuts five times a week live an extra 2.5 years.
P.S. to Eva, my nuts-allergic sister: Don't eat the nuts. And I apologize for slipping that peanut butter into your bologna sandwich. Hey, I was 5. Let it go. :-)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Friday Fun: Born to be Wild
Thanks to Tom for sending this to me -- and to Barbara in California, for sending it to him!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Excuses ... I've got excuses ...
Or, if you want the truth, I wrote an entry to appear at 4:22 a.m., but I forgot to "publish" it in Blogger. So, at 4:22 a.m., nothing posted.
And yet, the world went on ...
Cory: I love your words on yesterday's post!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Creative Inspiration: Mud-luscious
What a delectable word. "mud-luscious."
How would you describe summer?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Creativity Tips: Keep It Real
So you'll understand why I laughed at her response, when I mentioned that Mike Brown and I will be doing a PRSA presentation on creativity next week:
"People have to pay to listen to you?"
Yep. And worth every penny, Mom. If you're in KC and haven't registered yet, sign up today!
P.S. Always good to have someone on your creativity team who will keep that ego in check.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Creativity Exercise: The Last Time ...
So ...
Take out a clean sheet of paper. Write "The last time I saw you" at the top.
Now, finish the sentence. Then, write five more sentences. You can make this a poem for a parent, a note to an old friend, a prayer for your first love. Whatever you want.
When you're done, burn it. Or mail it. You're creative -- you'll know which way to go!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Creativity Exercise: Chair Man of the Bored

I bet you look at your next meal in a whole new light.
P.S. He's such a lame duck, I'm not even going to make a joke.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Creative Inspiration: A Space in the Air
But you shouldn't miss this, just because the Web has. It's not a short poem, but it is a quick read. And it's beautiful. (Unfortunately, I wasn't able to replicate here the imaginative spacing Jon Silken created -- he had varying indents on each line.)
A Space in the Air
by Jon Silken
The first day he had gone
I barely missed him. I was glad almost he had left
Without a bark or flick of his tail,
I was content he had slipped
Out into the world. I felt,
Without remarking, it was nearly a relief
From his dirty habits. Then, the second
Day I noticed the space
He left behind him. A hole
Cut out of the air. And I missed him suddenly,
Missed him almost without knowing
Why it was so. And I grew
Afraid he was dead, expecting death
As something I had grown used to. I was afraid
The clumsy children in the street
Had cut his tail off as
A souvenir of the living and
I did not know what to do. I was fearing
Somebody had hurt him. I called his name
But the hole in the air remained.
I have grown accustomed to death
Lately. But his absence made me sad,
I do not know how he should do it
But his absence frightened me.
It was not only his death I feared,
Not only his but as if all of those
I loved, as if all those near me
Should suddenly go
Into the hole in the light
And disappear. As if all of them should go
Without barking, without speaking,
Without noticing me there
But go; and going as if
The instrument of pain were a casual thing
To suffer, as if they should suffer so,
Casually and without greatness,
Without purpose even. But just go.
I should be afraid to lose all those friends like this.
I should fear to lose those loves. But mostly
I should fear to lose you.
If you should go
Without affliction, but even so, I should tear
The rent you would make in the air
And the bare howling
Streaming after your naked hair.
I should feel your going down more than my going down.
My own death I bear everyday
More or less
But your death would be something else,
Something else beyond me. It would not be
Your death or my death, love,
But our rose-linked dissolution.
So I feared his going,
His death, not our death, but a hint at our death. And I shall always fear
The death of those we love as
The hint of your death, love.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Site Seeing: Inside Guernica
Angela, you commented recently that: "Social media is changing other art forms; it's amazing." I think this is another example of that!
Thanks to site-seeing-superstar Leslie for today's link!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Creativity Tips: If at first you don't succeed ....
For all of you who also tried, I apologize.
I have now tried, tried again, and have posted a "subscribe via email" link. I've tested it. It seems to work. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.
FYI, if violent kittens attack when you try to subscribe, it's not working.
P.S. to Barb ... I think this is the blog feature you requested months ago. I live to serve you. I just don't serve very fast ...
P.P.S. The creativity tips? Ask for what you want. And if you know I've messed something up, let me know. I tend to assume I'm perfect. :-)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday Fun: Be a Bookworm
And when I'm too tired to read, I can still play! Here's to a great weekend, filled with fabulous words.
(By the by, I'm currently reading Armageddon in Retrospect by Kurt Vonnegut. Great intro by his son Mark, who also wrote a wonderful book, The Eden Express.)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A creativity tip from dear Abby

One of the younger members of the Creative Instigation team is my friend Abby, who has a fashion blog that I find inspirational and instigational. She generously agreed to be my first guest blogger.
Here's her tip on Designing a Phrog:
In my spare time I like to design clothes. Although I cannot sew too well, I LOVE doing the sketching. I created my own clothing line (hopefully when I’m older it can actually work) called PHROG. I call it this because my family loves frogs, even though my parents revolt against getting even close to one. We have a pond in our backyard with colossal amounts of frogs. So you can see where I was going with the title.
Anyway, I enjoy creating my very own characters. They can have blonde hair or brown hair. They can wear plain clothes or ones that are OUT of this world.
I think if you can draw and you – like me, you have an obsession with clothes – you might want to try designing sometime!
P.S. from Jan: If you don't have kids in the house for inspiration, borrow one now and then. Seriously. And some of the ideas on Abby's blog could jumpstart your creativity today!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Creative Query: Your Favorite Dessert
Which made me wonder: What's your favorite dessert?
I'd have to go back to yesterday's post, and some of my grandmother's baking. She made butter cookies that were beyond delicious, and always made a "J" shaped cookie for me, an "H" for my brother Harry and an "E" for my sister Eva. I can still remember the fun of searching for my special cookie.
P.S. Yes. I read GQ. Surprised?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Creativity Tips: Ice Your Coffee with Coffee

Sophie could cook and bake better than anyone I've ever known. She created her own recipes, and they are amazing. She was also a poet and a tailor and the only woman the men allowed in the weekly family poker game.
She was, quite simply, the best.
Here's the iced coffee tip I learned from her -- and it's a bit of creative genius. Nanny, as we called her, would make ice cubes out of black coffee, so she could cool hot coffee without watering it down. It also works great for iced coffee, a true summer treat for me and my fellow caffeine fanatics.
P.S. No, it's not a real bull. But why let reality get in the way of a great photo?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday, Monday
OK, two simple requests. (I said I was easing. I never said I was easy.)
- Mike Brown and I are preparing a Creative Instigation workshop, and want your input. Please take a second to vote on the survey Mike has posted.
- Mark your calendars now! Plan to join us at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, at the Greater KC PRSA meeting. I'll include a location and sign-up link as soon as the info is posted online.
- Heck, let's go for the magic of three. One more request: Have a spectacular week!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Creative Inspiration: Billy Collins