Thursday, July 29, 2010

Creativity Tips: Follow the BlogHer Philosophy

OK, the countdown is officially on! One week from today, I'm in NY for BlogHer '10. And I'm already getting blog ideas from the big event.

For example, today's post is a direct steal from the discussion guidelines for speakers. I think these work for any creative team. Enjoy!

BlogHer Discussion Guidelines: Our Philosophy
  1. We are all here for a common purpose.
  2. We are open to different perspectives.
  3. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  4. Listen twice as much as you speak.
  5. Value dialogue: Everyone has something to contribute.
  6. An honest and positive environment fosters better discussions, ideas and results.
  7. Balance seriousness with humor -- life is short!*

*The Jan version: "Life is short and so am I."


Lezlie said...

Forget about creative teams -- these are great guidelines for life!

Vanessa M. Bonavia said...

Have a great weekend!