Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Creativity Tips: Take a Break

So, here's the deal. I could be prepping for my BlogHer panel. Or figuring out what to pack for NY. Or deciding how to turn this adventure into a business-building proposition. (Yeah, there's a concept.)

I could be writing the ad that's due for one client tomorrow. Or the magazine article due for another. (Again, that business stuff.)

I could be cleaning house. But, then again, I've waited 55 years. Why start now?

You know what I am doing? I'm writing this post during commercial breaks while I watch the finale of The Bachelorette. How pathetic is that?

It's not pathetic at all. It's a good healthy break. What's pathetic is that even while I'm relaxing, I'm here on the computer -- multi-tasking on 60-second commercial breaks.

Learn from my mistakes. This week, fully enjoy whatever you find relaxing. Solo task. Better yet, don't task at all. It's summertime. Let the living be easy.


Lezlie said...

A skill I'd like to master: Fully taking breaks with NO GUILT. No thoughts to what I'm not doing, or should be doing, or will be doing next. The ability to just be where I am, playing.

Angela Pritchett said...

I really love, and agree with, your cleaning philosophy. Reading the CI blog is the one things I do as a solo task. Unless drinking coffee and reading count as multi-tasking.

Jennifer said...

I want to meet you there!! I'm not sure I'll be able to make your panel but if not let's meet up ok?!

Jennifer said...

By the way I'm not a stalker... I just read about your panel and really really would love to meet you! :)