The hotel staff will bring the fishy in, feed it, and flush it if it dies. All I have to do is name it, and enjoy it. (And I have great hope that it will survive my visit, despite my goldfish history.)
What a great, fun creative strategy. For very little money, this hotel has created a memorable way to set itself apart.
How can you do that?
*P.S. I won't be needing the wireless Internet. Here's your creativity tip for the day: When you go on vacation, leave your computer at home. You really don't have to be connected 24/7. The world will be waiting when you get back.
P.P.S. While looking for goldfish images, I found Two Little Fishes, a Web site development firm in England. I like their ethical policy. It's another example of how you can set yourself apart.
Jan said: Here's your creativity tip for the day: When you go on vacation, leave your computer at home.
Heretic. I want my money back. (8-))
Thanks for link. Just in case anyone wants to follow the link the page has moved and is now http://www.twolittlefishes.co.uk/about.php
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