Friday, March 13, 2009

Bonus Friday Post: Bernie Madoff

Drek is Yiddish for trash. Drekonomics is our current financial state.

Drekonomics leads to insanity. There's the whole Bernie Madoff disaster -- stealing money from Holocaust survivors, etc. How low we can go.

And I'll give you another example -- on a completely different level, but still indicative of the times. One of my best friends was recently in a group being lectured on new office procedures. The manager's farewell shot? "If you don't like the rules, there are plenty of talented people out there looking for work."

That's a pep talk?

Drekonomics is my word for it. Now it's your turn. Take any aspect of the current financial disarray -- from layoffs to pay cuts to Bernie Madoff -- and give me a new word to describe it.


sephra said...

i don't have another word for that just yet... haha
i do want to say thanks for doing this! you're on my bookmarks bar (: for those days when i want so badly to express myself but just can't get started.

Anonymous said...

Jan -

How about "madeoff" as a new word describing executives who have been able to protect high salaries, bonuses, and lining their own pockets as their companies have crumbled.

Used in a sentence: Bernie Ebbers was an expert at madeoff even before Bernie Madoff was a twinkle in some federal prosecutor's eye.

Anonymous said...

OK - I don't have a word. But I do like "madeoff". And there is a piece of me that is relieved he admitted guilt and isn't continuing the lies. It doesn't fix the problem nor make it better, but does offer a glimmer of hope for honesty and the healing that follows. (EZ for me to say, I wasn't invested with him)